Sunday, July 10, 2011

Woo Woo or Woe Me

OK, so I signed up for an all day seminar on a topic that I thought would be in my genre of interest and out of professional courtesy I will not mention names. Some of my topics are what could be defined as soft skills but never as woo woo. Too much metaphysical and not enough grounding. Suffice it to say, we left at lunchtime.

My role as a coach for speakers could not be denied as I watched in utter dismay to all the violations of what makes a great speaker. Granted there were 100 people there, granted there were tons of product and enough commercials to sell it all but...where were the stories attached to the blah blah blah? There was nothing to hook me, nothing for me to anchor to and nothing for me to takeaway. Alas, alack, all is not lost as I look upon every experience, good, bad or otherwise as a learning experience.

Sometimes the learning's are in not what to do or what to avoid. Sometimes they are affirmations of what I do and should continue to do and sometimes they just are...

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