Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sale to the Chief

OMG, last night was incredible, I was glued to the TV as we all were. I had friends texting me who were in Grant Park asking me why I wasn't there (and I so wished I was). This morning as I read the newspaper, I was so "fahklempt" (ask Barbra:-) I couldn't stop crying. I was on my way to another speech and my poor driver felt so bad that he didn't have any tissues for me (he bought them so when he picked me up he had them in the sweet). He was an African from Kenya and needless to say, he was beside himself with joy. We bonded in our short car ride. Never have I felt prouder to be an American.

I was particularly moved by the parents telling their children how America is the land where anybody can achieve whatever they want. I was overjoyed at the number of parents who woke their children up to share the news. I was proud of the turnout for voting, prouder of the young ones in our country who showed up in droves, proud of our country, our democracy. As a professional speaker I am in awe of our President Elect's ability to articulate, his passion, his presentation skills. As someone who believes in change and hope, I am excited about the prospect of our future as a country.

So why "sale to the chief"? I celebrated by going shoe shopping:-)

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