Tuesday, August 18, 2009

He Who Laughs...Lasts

I recently gave this program to a large retailer. We all know how hard the retail industry has been hit in this economic downturn, but the executive team had the vision to realize a program like this was timely and would help boost morale. The value of humor in the workplace is never more evident than when you suddenly realize you're not having fun, not laughing very often and not feeling energized enough to manage your business and personal life (if you still have one). What you need is a little stress management, a little humor perspective. What you need is some inspiration and self-development that can enhance productivity. I showed my audience that it's PWP (possible without pills)!
Positive thinking is to welcome each day with interest and curiosity, as a new adventure. It is seeing opportunity in every situation and identifying with others' positive characteristics to find them interesting. It is to be conscious of an expanding dimension of life, realizing that the greatest achievement of human spirit is to make the most of one's resources. Such thoughts, held in the mind, become attitudes. And attitudes infallibly shape one's life. So life itself really is - an attitude!
 Most of us suffer from childhood programming, negative thinking, common failure patterns that seem impossible to overcome. The good news is that you can break out of these molds to repeatedly create success by changing the way your mind is programmed. Through the use of humor, you can enhance relationships, relieve stress, deal with change and become more productive. I worked with my client to give them a perspective of opportunity rather than one of obstacles. Humor is the great diffuser, the great equalizer. The best way to gain control of your life is with “humor resources.” So come to your “senses of humor.”

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