Sunday, January 2, 2011

Heaven in 2011

OMG, if the guy on the treadmill next to me said"heaven in 2011" one more time to everyone who walked into the gym, I was going to blow my first New Year's Resolution of more patience:-) Whether you call them resolutions, goals, promises, commitments, do you set them and forget them? This year will be "different", yuk, yuk, yuk... No, really!
I call them goals not resolutions and here are the answers...forgiveness and choice. Each year, I make them, some I achieve, some I don't, I forgive my trespasses. So I didn't make that size 6 last year, I celebrated the 8. So I didn't make numbers of dollars, pounds, dates I wanted but it's OK, I choose and that's the operative word, CHOOSE to celebrate all that is good and all that I HAVE achieved. Failure may not be an option but it's a reality, a human frailty but not to be disgraced but to be acknowledged. The ol' cliche and fact as well...Edison had more failures than successes before he got to the light bulb, Babe Ruth had more strike outs before becoming the home run king. So before I moan and groan that I broke my resolutions or didn't achieve all my goals, I'm just gonna enjoy a li'l slice of heaven in 2011.

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