Sunday, November 14, 2010

MIrror Mirror on the Wall

Who do you look like after all? I have been plagued, OK maybe that's too strong a word, I have been taken for someone else my whole adult life. Now mind you, they are all people I am happy to have been taken for but sometimes I wonder what is it about that look-a-like phenomenon? I was at dinner tonight and did the same thing to my dinner companion.

Now if you've heard me speak you know I've been taken for Barbra Streisand, with dark hair, Lainie Kazan, now as a blonde, Suzanne Somers, Dolly Parton (I wish:-) and always no matter the hair color, my shero, Bette Midler who I truly believe is one of the most talented people on the planet.

What's my point? There is none, who said I had to have one, lol?

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