Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Matter of Life and Breath

I'm exhaling! This glorious week of relaxing and rejuvenating is so good for the soul and I am committed to doing this every year. Just another day at the beach. Read another great book, "Discover Your Destiny" by Robin Sharma. Yes, I tend to read self help and business books, don't we all go through various phases of our lives when you can tell where we are by the books and magazines that we read? I can always tell how much I like a a book by the amount of highlighting that I do and this one was almost all yellow:-)

Part of my enjoyment of this book was the affirmation of my own set of beliefs and also some magnificent new quotes that I had not heard before. I am a sucker for quotes which is why I published my own book of them this year called Mikki Mouth, Quotations I've Said and Some I Wish I Did Say. I have always loved, collected and used quotes, they've been part of my DNA. I also love metaphors and one in particular resonated with me. "When a jug of water falls to the floor and cracks, what was hidden within begins to pour out. When life sends you one of its curves, remember that it has come to help crack you open so that all the love, power and potential that had been slumbering within you can be poured into the world outside you." Stay tuned!

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