Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Consciousness!! Are you conscious?

Spent the day yesterday with all the Chicago Chairs who facilitate Vistage groups as I do or as I commonly call it, I herd cats, aka I lead CEO think tanks. About 30 of us gathered to spend a day with uber-trainer James Newton of Newton Learning in San Diego. I have worked with James before so I knew the exciting day I was in for. We spent the day examining our consciousness, our barriers, our strengths and areas of improvement relative to that. It was enlightening as always and in the spirit of sharing I offer you mine to inspire you to examine yours.

My strength lies in my self awareness and authenticity. I am indeed a wysiwyg, what you see is what you get. I know who I am, comfortable with it and am always real. My challenge area is knowing that I set healthy boundaries for myself in all areas of my live, however, due to my love of spontaneity and some impulsivity, I sometimes compromise those boundaries. AND my barrier is self limiting beliefs and I identified one to the group. We all have them, have you ever confronted yours?

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