Friday, March 13, 2015

All Stressed Up and No Place to Go

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

Stress is nothing new, we all have it - whether it's good stress (no, that's not an oxymoron) or bad stress, it's part of life. As we work faster, longer, harder, and juggle the demands of work/life balance, stress is  a topic of necessity and interest. 
Much of it is about how we look at can be undone by stress or you can use it to your advantage; use it as the impetus to move forward, or to stay still for a moment. 

Some stress relieving tips:
1. Read any book by Hans Selye, the "father of stress management."
2. Meditate
3. Take yoga
4. Take Fridays off for a personal day
5. Take a bubble baths
6. Get some exercise
7. Volunteer - helping someone else is a great stress-reliever
8. Paint, sculpt, something creative

If all else fails, here are my three favorite tips:
1. Use your master card to pay off your visa
2. Make a to do list of things you've already done
3. When someone says, "have a nice day," tell them you've made other plans

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